10 best languages for web development in 2024

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There is no denying that the epidemic has caused a surge in the use of technology by enterprises. Thus, one of the most sought-after skills on the market at the moment is coding. With more than a thousand languages available, it's imperative to distinguish the best programming languages of 2024 from the rest. Although we are familiar with languages such as Python, Javascript, and SQL (Sequential Query Language), there are several alternatives to take into account in 2024. According to the best SEO agency in Gurgaon, choosing the right one can impact your time to market your website. 

Which programming languages are most likely to be in demand in 2024?

Programming languages can be compared to a human-computer communication system. It is a collection of guidelines and notation that enables programmers to create code. This code is interpreted and executed by the computer. The top programming languages for 2024 are as follows:

1. Scripting in Java

Based on a Stack Overflow developer poll, JavaScript is the most widely used programming language globally. It is said to as the foundation of interactive websites.

2. Python

Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late 1980s, and it is structured similarly to human language. Among the top programming languages for 2024, it comes in second.

The language's comprehensive web development tools and libraries have made it popular.

There are several applications for it, including data analysis, scientific computing, scripting, game creation, Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning. Numerous sectors, including technology, healthcare, and finance, are always in need of Python developers.

3. Java

Oracle Corporation is the owner of Java, a flexible programming language created by James Gosling in 1995. As of 2024, it is ranked third among the best programming languages. Additionally, young people in India who want to learn programming languages are in demand for it. The language is used to create large-scale systems, online services, and server-side applications in corporate software development.

4. Kotlin

This contemporary language is used with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Google is one of the factors contributing to its popularity. Since Android is the most popular operating system worldwide, the company's 2017 endorsement of Kotlin for Android app development guarantees that it will always be in demand. Kotlin's more compact syntax makes it easier to comprehend and write code than Java. It lowers the amount of work required to produce cross-platform applications by enabling developers to reuse code between Android and iOS applications.

5. Swift

Objective-C, which had served as the main programming language for iOS and macOS app development, was replaced by Swift in 2014. Swift is crucial for iOS app development, and the number of iOS developers in India is steadily increasing. Given Apple's growing market presence in India, there will likely always be a need for Swift 6 developers. Early in the 1970s, Bell Laboratories created the programming language C. It is among the most significant programming languages in computer science history.

6. System programming C and C++

Embedded systems, operating system development, game creation, and scientific computing are just a few of the disciplines in which it finds use. Despite their similarities, the programming languages C and C++ are not the same. The C++ programming language is an expansion to C, offering more features and functionalities. Because of its great performance, developers utilise it for applications where performance is crucial, such as system programming and game creation.

7. PHP

The scripting language PHP, which stands for "Hypertext Preprocessor," is used to create websites.

Because it's an open-source language, developers may use it to make dynamic, interactive websites.

PHP facilitates server-side scripting, which allows the code to execute on the web server instead of the user's browser.

It is compatible with several operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. PHP is appropriate for a range of web development activities, including content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and sophisticated online applications in addition to website creation.

8. Go 

Go, sometimes referred to as "Golang," is a programming language that Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson developed at Google. Go's clear, minimalistic code that makes it simple to read and write. With its code, developers create web servers and web apps. For network programming chores like managing network protocols and creating network apps, etc., it's really helpful.

9. R

R is a computer language with data analysis and statistical computation as its main applications.

In actuality, statisticians, data scientists, researchers, and analysts like using it. They utilize it for a variety of data-related activities, such as machine learning, statistical modeling, data visualization, and more. It is used for data cleansing, data preparation for further analysis, and exploratory data analysis (EDA).

10. C#

C Sharp, or C#, should not be confused with C or C++.  Microsoft created this cutting-edge programming language in the early 2000s. As a result, it can create a variety of programs, including desktop, online, and mobile applications. Because Microsoft Windows is so widely used in India, C# is one of the most popular programming languages in India as of 2024. The language is frequently used to create desktop applications for Windows, including utilities, games, and productivity applications. 

These are the top programming languages used by a website development company in Gurgaon. Discuss with them to select the best language that meets your requirements. 

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