4 Tips for Taking Writing Breaks

Reverbtime Magazine

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Taking a break from writing can benefit your mental health as well as your creative process. Setting boundaries and taking care of yourself can help you avoid burnout, writer's block, and procrastination.


What Exactly Is a Writing Break?

Any time spent away from a writing project is considered a writing break. It can be as short as an afternoon, a day, or a week, or as long as a month or a year. Writing breaks, regardless of length, can help you clear your mind, gain a new perspective, complete other tasks, or simply rest.


Why Is It Necessary to Take a Break from Writing? 3 Reasons

Writing is difficult work, whether it is a full-time job or not. Many writers are always working on their writing or, at the very least, thinking about it. Taking a break can boost productivity in any profession or hobby. Here are a few reasons why you should stop writing:

1. Short writing breaks help to avoid burnout. When you've found your groove, taking a break can be unsettling. You may believe that you will lose momentum. However, if you only stop when you're exhausted, you'll eventually burn out. Take short, scheduled breaks instead to protect your mental health and stay motivated.

2. Writing breaks can help you avoid writer's block. Taking a break may appear counterintuitive, but it can provide the mental space required to avoid writer's block. Schedule a break once you've decided on a direction for your story, essay, or novel. That way, when you return to it, you'll already know what you need to write, and restarting won't feel as daunting.

3. Writing breaks allow for new perspectives. Taking a break from creative writing gives you the space you need to see your writing from a new perspective.


4 Tips for Taking Writing Breaks

Whether it's your first time writing or your hundredth, the following tips can help you stay motivated and energized:

1. Fill your days with ideas. Many writers are inspired by art, music, films, and podcasts. Consider spending your free time experimenting with different mediums or venturing out into the world to find inspiration.

2. Concentrate your efforts on a different project. When working on a writing project, such as a novel or short story, it can be beneficial to write something else on a regular basis. If you're feeling stuck, try writing a poem or journaling your thoughts. This can help to rekindle your creative juices.

3. Stick to a schedule. Writing every day on a set schedule can help you stay on track and form a habit. The same holds true for taking a break. Take regular breaks, especially if you're writing full-time. Eating well, exercising, and making time for self-care will improve your mental and physical health, as well as your writing practice.

4. Take a break when you reach a major milestone. Take a break between writing and rewriting your first draft, or between writing and editing. Allow yourself at least a few days to read your work again with fresh eyes. It can also help to take breaks when you've reached a word count goal or finished a chapter so you can celebrate your accomplishments.

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