The Evolution of SEO
SEO is a constantly evolving field. It was first introduced
in the 1990s, and has since evolved into an essential part of any business's
marketing strategy. In 1993, the first ever search engine, Archie, was created
by Alan Emtage and Jon Kleinberg at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Then
the next year 1994: Google launched its first product - BackRub - which crawls
websites to determine their authority based on how many other sites link back
to them (this is known as PageRank).
Then fast forward to 1998 when Yahoo acquired Inktomi Corp.
another early web crawler company; this purchase allowed Yahoo access to
Inktomi's database of web pages so that it could provide better results than
competitors like AltaVista or Lycos did at the time by using both human
editors' choices about what links should appear first within its own results
pages alongside those produced by automated processes.
Reason #1: Increased Visibility & Traffic
SEO is the process of optimizing your website for search
engines. It's an important part of digital marketing because it helps you to
rank higher in search results, attract more traffic and generate leads/sales.
To understand why SEO is so beneficial for website visibility and traffics, we
have to break down the two major components of SEO:
- Keywords are words or phrases people use when they're
searching for something online (for example: "best restaurants near
me"). The goal is to optimize your content so that when someone searches
for those keywords, your site shows up first in Google's results page--that way
more people can find out about what you do!
- Backlinks are links from other websites pointing back to yours (for example: if someone writes an article on their blog mentioning one of our products). The more quality backlinks we get from reputable sites like Wikipedia or TechCrunch etc., the higher we'll rank on Google which makes us more visible than competitors who don't have many external links pointing towards them yet."
Reason #2: Improved User Experience (UX)
- Responsive design: A responsive website is one that adapts
its layout based on the device being used (e.g., mobile phone or desktop
computer). This helps ensure that all users have access to all of the content
on your site no matter what device they're using or where they are located in
the world.
- Fast loading times: According to Google's PageSpeed Insights tool, websites with faster load times tend to rank higher than those with slower loading times because they offer better user experiences overall--and there's no doubt about it: people don't like waiting around!
Reason #3: Better ROI & Cost-Effectiveness
SEO is a more cost-effective and sustainable marketing
strategy compared to traditional advertising methods. Traditional advertising
can be expensive, and it's difficult to measure the ROI of your efforts.
Traditional ads are also frequently ignored by consumers who are used to seeing
them everywhere they go. On the other hand, SEO allows businesses to track
their results in real-time so that they can optimize their campaigns based on
what works best for them (and what doesn't).
This means that you get better results from less money spent on marketing--which is always a good thing!
Reason #4: Competitive Edge & Brand Authority
Reason #5: Adaptability & Future-Proofing
SEO has evolved over time, and it's important that
businesses keep up with the latest trends and best practices. To stay ahead,
businesses should consider using SEO as a way to adapt their business for
future changes in technology and consumer behavior. If you want your business
to succeed in 2023, you need to make sure that it's optimized for search
engines now--not just today or last year!
The best way to practice SEO
There are many different types of SEO that many agencies offer
for brands depending on what they need to prioritize: some brands focus on link
building; others prioritize content creation;
certain brands allow social media marketing to take precedence. But
whichever direction you decide to take, remember that the main goal of SEO is
to make your website rank higher in search engines so that more people will
find your site when they search for something related to what you do.
The only way you can achieve this is to be efficient and
deliberate in your SEO practices. Here are a few steps that can help you along
the way.
Research & Analysis
Optimizing Your Website
The best way to practice SEO when you're new to it is by
optimizing your website. This means making sure that your page speed,
mobile-friendliness and content relevance are up to par. If they aren't, then
you should work on them until they are.
Optimizing your site can be done in a variety of ways:
Improve page speed by reducing the size of images and videos
on each page. You can also use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix
which will tell you how fast or slow each page loads in seconds (or
milliseconds). The goal here is to get these numbers as low as possible so that
visitors won't have any trouble navigating through all parts of your site
quickly enough before leaving because they got bored waiting for pages to load
too long!
On-Page SEO
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO involves building backlinks. You can do this by
guest posting on other websites, or by commenting on blog posts. Another way is
by engaging in social media, such as sharing content and interacting with
others who share similar interests as yours.
Tracking & Measuring Results
Tracking and measuring your results is one of the most
important things you can do in SEO. It's easy to get lost in the weeds and
forget what's working, so it's important to keep a record of what you're doing
so that you can see if something is working or not. There are a lot of tools out there for tracking rankings and traffic, but I'll
focus on just two: SERPWizz ( and Google Analytics (
). Both these tools will let you track how well certain keywords are
performing, which pages are getting the most traffic from search engines like
Google or Bing, as well as other useful data points including bounce rate (how
many people leave after visiting only one page) and conversion rates (how many
visitors buy something).
Local SEO
Voice Search Optimization
Video SEO
SEO is an important part of any business's digital marketing strategy. It's a long-term investment that can help you achieve your goals and drive traffic to your website. It's important to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, but it's also important not to get overwhelmed by all the information out there. If you're new to SEO and want some help, you could hire an agency with the skill to do all the hard work, but the advantage you have now is you'll be able to track their progress because you understand how it works!
Author bio
Simeon Lakuc is a freelance writer and PR specialist working
with Pearl Lemon Agency. His favorite
topics are PR marketing and SEO and he is passionate about branding .For more
information on how to optimize your site for search engines, feel free to
contact him at