Learning to drive is a major milestone in your teenager's
life. As a parent, it can be both exciting and nerve-wracking to watch them
take the wheel. To ensure that your teenager is as safe as possible, there are
five things you need to have before they start driving. Let's take a look at
what those items are.
A Safe, Reliable Car
You know the old saying about how it's better to be safe
than sorry? Well, this saying applies even more when it comes to buying a car
for your teen driver. The car your teenager drives should meet all safety
standards and be reliable enough to get them from point A to point B without
any issues. Make sure that you buy a car
that is reliable, safe, and has all of the necessary safety features like
airbags, seatbelts, hazard lights, and more. Research crash test ratings and
read reviews online so that you know exactly what kind of car will best suit
your needs and keep your teen safe on the road.
One of the most important modern safety features a car can
have for a teenage driver is an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS). ABS helps
prevent the wheels from locking up when braking, which will help your teen
avoid skidding and maintain control of the vehicle. Additionally, having
traction control in the car can also be helpful in wet or slippery conditions.
This helps the car stay stable and prevents it from skidding on slick surfaces.
Finally, having a rearview camera can help your teen see what's behind them
when they're backing up or changing lanes, increasing their awareness and
safety on the road. All of these features will make for a much safer ride for
your teenage driver, so if your budget allows for them, try and fit them into
prospective car purchases.
An Emergency Kit
Being prepared for the unexpected is key when it comes to
keeping your teen safe while driving. An emergency kit should include basic
items such as jumper cables, a first aid kit, tools, flares, an ice scraper,
and other items that will help them in the event of a breakdown or accident. Be
sure to check the kit every so often to make sure everything is still in
working order and replace anything that needs replenishing.
In addition to the items already mentioned, it's also
important to include a flashlight and extra batteries in your teenager's car
emergency kit. This will come in handy for night-time breakdowns or flat tires.
It is also helpful to include a map of the area in case they get lost and need
directions. Other items that may be useful to include are a small blanket,
snacks and water, gloves, rain gear, extra clothes, and some cash. These items
can help make the situation more comfortable if your teenager is ever stranded
in their car due to an unexpected breakdown or accident.
Finally, be sure to discuss with your teenage driver what
they should do in the event of an emergency so that they are prepared for
anything. Talking about safety and preparing them with the necessary supplies
can help give your teen peace of mind and keep them safe on the road.
Insurance Coverage and Other Measures
Having insurance coverage for your teen driver is not only
important for legal reasons; it also helps provide peace of mind knowing you're
covered in case of any accidents or unforeseen incidents on the road. You may
want to keep the number for an auto accident attorney on-hand
as well, as you never know what your
child will encounter on the road, no matter how safe they are. Shop around for
rates and shop smart”some insurers may offer incentives for teens who excel
academically or participate in certain extracurricular activities like sports
teams or volunteer work.
Teaching a teenager the proper reaction in the event of an
accident is an important part of safety training. The first and most important
step is to remain calm and assess the situation. Instruct your teen to make
sure everyone is safe, then call for help if necessary. If the car is still
operable, move it off to the side of the road, away from other vehicles, and
turn on the hazard lights. Take pictures of any damages and exchange insurance
information with anyone involved in the accident. Finally, it's important to
remember that no matter what happens, do not admit fault or apologize at the
scene of an accident. These are all important steps for your teen to remember
so that they are prepared in the event of an accident.
In addition to keeping an emergency kit in the car, it is
important to help your teen understand what they should do if their car needs
repairs. First and foremost, make sure that you have a trusted mechanic or
repair shop for them to take the car to that knows how to properly address any
issues that may arise with the vehicle. You should also discuss the proper
steps for filing an insurance claim if a repair is needed after a collision.
Help your teen understand what kind of paperwork and documentation they may
need to have on hand when talking to their insurer or mechanic, such as photos,
bills, and receipts.
Finally, it's important to talk about how to be aware of any
potential fraud or scams when it comes to auto repairs. Help your teen
understand the importance of doing their research, asking questions, and
getting a second opinion if needed. Taking these measures will help ensure that
your teen knows how to keep their car running safely and properly, and leave
you with peace of mind when they're out and about.
Sufficient Practice
Before granting them permission to drive independently, make
sure that they have had enough practice with an adult present so that they feel
confident when they hit the road alone (or with friends). This means not just
going out for short drives around town but also practicing in different
conditions such as night driving or highway driving if possible. Make sure to
go over basic rules such as no texting while driving and no drinking while
driving before they ever get behind the wheel unsupervised too.
One of the best ways to practice driving with a teenager is to
take them out in an area that isn't too busy. This gives them the chance to get
used to handling a car without having to worry about traffic or other drivers.
You may also want to have your teen practice parking, changing lanes, and
turning around in empty parking lots or low-traffic areas. Finally, encourage
your teen to ask questions about rules and driving techniques so that they can
feel more comfortable behind the wheel. Remind them to always look both ways
before crossing an intersection and to make sure their seat belt is on at all
times. With proper practice, your teen will be ready to hit the road with
Good Habits
Teaching your teen proper driving habits is essential to
keeping them safe on the roads ” this includes following speed limits, avoiding
distractions while driving, signaling when merging lanes or turning corners,
and more. Making sure that these habits become second nature will set up your
teen driver for success each time they get behind the wheel.
Once your teen has their license in hand and has had enough
practice time with an adult present, set some ground rules about what
expectations are for them when it comes to their driving habits. These rules
should be both reasonable and enforceable; if there are consequences for
breaking them then make sure those consequences are well known ahead of time
It is important to remind teens of what not to do behind the
wheel. This includes no texting, talking on the phone or engaging in any other
distractions while driving. Additionally, they should be aware of the speed
limit and stay within it at all times. They should also avoid aggressive or
reckless behavior, like tailgating or weaving through traffic. Additional rules
such as, no drinking and driving or having a set number of passengers in the
car should be clearly communicated to your teen driver before they are allowed
on the road alone. Finally, remind them that safety is always the top priority
and that they should always err on the side of caution when it comes to their
driving habits.
The excitement of getting your teen ready to drive for the
first time can be nerve-wracking, but with proper preparation and practice, you
can make sure that they stay safe on the roads. Make sure that you have all five
of these items in place before your teenager starts driving and teach them good
habits so that they are confident when behind the wheel. With these five
essential items and safety tips, your teen will be ready to hit the roads with
confidence and ease.