Artificial Intelligence and Live Betting in Ohio

Reverbtime Magazine

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Artificial intelligence has long been the stuff of sci-fi movies and fiction, but in the last decade, there have been vast improvements in artificial intelligence, making it an important aspect of the world. Whether you like it or not, artificial intelligence, or AI as they call it, is here to stay, and it will affect many parts of people's lives. One major industry in that AI is already making huge waves is in the recently legalized sports betting landscape. Artificial intelligence will drastically change sports betting, especially in areas like live betting.

Artificial intelligence is all over the news right now with the release of ChatGPT, a new AI software that helps people write poetry, essays, and many other things. Although this is not the first AI software out there, it is one of the first to be free and open to the public for all to use, drawing buzz across social media for its incredible ability.

How Will AI Affect the Live Sports Betting Landscape

Now you may be wondering how technology that writes dialogue for people shake up the sports betting industry. Artificial intelligence is used for so much more than producing dialogue, like personalized assistants, self-driving cars, security, and, lastly, sports betting. AI technology is incredibly useful for learning and predicting future events at breakneck speeds. The one area that this will majorly change the sports betting industry is live betting, where odds change extremely fast. Sportsbooks already have comprehensive models to set accurate lines and odds to maximize their house edge. For live betting, they often have to wait until stoppages in play for odds to change because of the speed of play. Sportsbooks can now employ artificial intelligence's immense predictive and learning powers to have the odds update in virtually real-time. While this may be great for the sportsbook, some customers will not like this because many gamblers view live betting as a way to beat the house edge.

What Ohio Sportsbooks Will Use AI?

While there is no official list of sportsbooks that are looking to employ AI at their online casino, it is almost certain that many of the major Ohio sport betting apps will utilize it one way or another. Many sportsbooks use third parties for their odds who are surely looking at AI to increase the accuracy of the odds. Sportsbooks look for every way they can to increase their house edge, and AI will be another way for them to do that.


Other Ways Sportsbooks Will Use Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is poised to shake up the sports betting industry in more aspects than just the live betting. Let's take a look at what other aspects of the artificial intelligence business will change the industry.


Artificial intelligence is extremely smart, as the name suggests, and it is also really good at collecting data. A sportsbook can use these aspects of AI to offer customers more in-depth personalization. For example, AI can learn what a gambler likes to bet on and create odds and bets specific to that person's wants. Customers can also be offered personalized offers based on their tendencies.

Data Security


Sportsbooks deal with your very personal information, such as banking information and address, and people want to know their private information is secure. Sportsbooks already take advanced measures to ensure your safety, but artificial intelligence will take this security to another level.

No matter whether you think artificial intelligence is a good or bad thing, there is no doubt that it is changing many aspects of the world, including the sports betting industry. Whether you like it or not, AI in sports betting is here to stay. 

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