Can Dogs Eat or Consume Sesame Seeds?

Reverbtime Magazine

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Sesame seeds are a nutrient-dense ingredient that can be found in a variety of popular human foods, such as hamburger buns, bagels, and sushi. While these seeds are safe for humans to eat, they may not provide the same health benefits for dogs. Continue reading to find out if dogs can eat sesame seeds.


Can Dogs Consume Sesame Seeds?

Sesame seeds are safe for dogs in small amounts and can even provide nutritional benefits. They are high in iron, manganese, calcium (which aids in bone formation), vitamin B, and vitamin E. (which may help prevent high blood pressure). Sesame seeds also have a high fiber content and anti-inflammatory properties.

Pet owners should keep in mind, however, that a dog's food contains all of the nutrients they require to function. Supplementing your dog's diet with any human food should be done in small amounts, as dedicated dog food provides 90% of their nutrition.

Before feeding sesame seeds to your dog, be aware of the potential side effects, which include allergic reactions and stomach discomfort. Before introducing any type of human food into your dog's diet, always consult a veterinarian.


Dangers of Feeding Sesame Seeds to your Dog

Sesame seeds may not be digestible by your dog's body, causing allergic reactions or stomach discomfort. Your dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, bowel irritation, or abdominal pain if they consume too many sesame seeds. After giving your dog sesame seeds for the first time, keep an eye out for any negative reactions.


How to Safely Feed your Dog Sesame Seeds

To feed sesame seeds to your dog safely, follow these steps:

1. Speak with a veterinarian. Before introducing human foods into your dog's diet, always consult with your veterinarian.

2. Only feed them a small amount. If you decide to add sesame seeds to your dog's food, only give them a half teaspoon per day.

3. Scatter the seeds on their food. The simplest way to include sesame seeds in your dog's diet is to sprinkle a small amount on top of their kibble. Mixing the seeds with their food provides extra bulk for your dog's digestive system to break down alongside the seeds.

4. Replace the olive oil with sesame oil. Pure sesame oil has the same health benefits as sesame seeds. Over-consumption of sesame oil, which has a high fat content, is also a concern, so only pour a small amount over your dog's food for them to try.

5. Keep an eye out for side effects. After feeding your dog sesame seeds for the first time, keep an eye on them for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours. If they have an allergic reaction to the seeds, stop feeding them and take them to a veterinarian.
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