Ethical Considerations and Responsibilities of Tarot Readers

Reverbtime Magazine

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Tarot readers are everywhere these days. It's a popular trend that seems to be more popular than ever, and that's mainly because of the online aspect of the job.

Decades ago, people were stuck with one or two tarot readers in their areas. Word of mouth was the only way to advertise, as you couldn't find such ads in local newspapers.

While it looked like a dead market, the truth is there are millions of skilled and gifted people out there. With the evolution of the Internet, they've managed to find portals and gather together. This way, you can join a site hosting thousands of tarot readers, with different specializations, locations, you name it.

But at the same time, when you talk to a stranger, you want someone ethical. What an ethical tarot reader means varies from one case to another. Generally speaking, it's someone who actually cares about their clients' well-being.

Like in any other industry out there, you can find people who don't necessarily care about their clients but only about their money. It doesn't mean they're providing a bad job though. However, like anything else in life, a bit of research does help out.

The good news when going online is you'll find hundreds (if not thousands) of reviews for reputable tarot readers, so you know you can leave yourself in good hands.


Defining an ethical tarot reader

Different people will define an ethical tarot reader in many ways. Apart from caring about the clients' well-being, a tarot reader should also have some crystal clear boundaries. Many times, these boundaries are personal.

From this point of view, some tarot readers will make it clear that they can't answer or discuss certain topics. When browsing online, you'll notice most of them have some specializations. They'll make it obvious what they're good at and what they can't do.

Furthermore, an ethical advisor should also have some structures in place only to make sure ethics represent a core part of what they offer. Take a confidentiality statement, for example. Such things are almost always included in a structure.

An ethical tarot reader has the main goal of helping others identify their inner guides. Clients should be empowered to discover new options about themselves. But at the end of the day, the final decisions should always belong to them.

Ethics will also relate to the necessity of seeking professional help when needed. For example, a tarot reader can't compensate for the necessity of a doctor, accountant, lawyer or counselor.

As for tarot cards, whether they're associated with good or bad, the concept behind them is that everything is seen as guidance. Nothing's really good or bad. It's all about circumstances. It's mainly information, meaning clients are encouraged to make their own decisions.


A matter of expertise

Ethical tarot readers should stick to their specializations only. If you need help with love and relationships you can use love tarot from website Tarotoo and you shouldn't bother seeking help from someone who specializes in money and careers only. And on the same note, they shouldn't take you abroad as a client either.

Furthermore, while such cases are less likely to occur on professional tarot websites, it's worth noting that a tarot reader is not a doctor or a financial advisor. Some of them might be, though, but such advice and help must be given in the right institution or environment rather than over a reading.

A professional tarot reader must deal with tarot cards only, simple as that. In many countries, it's actually illegal to provide professional advice without a specialization.


Client confidentiality is a must

Tarot readers are likely to reveal or learn about sensitive and private details regarding their clients. Clients provide such details, hoping they're under a tough umbrella of confidentiality. As a tarot reader, it's critical to treat such details with the ultimate level of respect.

In other words, such details should never be shared without permission, whether it comes to friends, family, partners, you name it. If a tarot reader must store a client's information, it should be stored in a secure manner.

Last, but not least, all these details must be used with the primary purpose of tarot reading only.

Professional tarot readers often have privacy and confidentiality statements.


The full truth, with a dash of compassion

Honesty is very important in tarot reading, meaning negative messages, disappointing aspects, or potentially bad news shouldn't be hidden. When looking for tarot readers online, most people can choose the delivery method. Some readers are straightforward and direct, others show more compassion.

Either way, clients should be treated with a great level of compassion, as well as respect. Even if some clients prefer their advisors to be brutally honest, something that may come as a shock should still be delivered in a compassionate manner.

Clients should leave their readings with a crystal clear picture of what's just happened. Basically, empowerment is extremely important in the process.


No judgment whatsoever

Last, but not least, tarot readers should never judge anyone. It sounds like an easy task, but there are times when they'll find it quite difficult, and they won't be able to hide it. Secret love affairs? No ethics whatsoever for someone else? Cheating? Stealing?

Whatever it is, no matter how bad an advisor may feel about it, being judgmental is contraindicated. Messy breakups, bad relationships, toxic behaviors, and such things may occur in any aspect of life.

An ethical tarot reader must remain impartial to all these things. At the end of the day, a client trusts an advisor with all these private things and details, and they must stay in that room. Advice and guidance should be impartial and objective.

Whether or not an advisor agrees with their clients, it makes no difference whatsoever. Personal opinions must be left at the door, simple as that.

Bottom line, an ethical approach is extremely important when dealing with clients and tarot readings. Like in any industry, there might be some bad apples out there, too, hence the necessity of proper research before joining a tarot reading.

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