As cannabis continues to gain traction in the wellness field, more people continue to use CBD products for their potential health benefits.
However, if you have a drug test coming up soon, are making important life decisions, or are worried about symptoms continuing, then you should know how long do CBD creams stay in your system before settling on using it.
What's more, the answer is more complex than you might think. Why? Several factors can influence its detection time. So, let's look at what those are and how long you can expect them to last.
How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?
Typically, CBD stays in your system for an average of 10 days. In some, it can be undetected as early as eight days, while in others, it may take up to 12 days. The duration varies from one CBD user.

How long CBD will remain detectable in your body depends on several factors, like how you ingest it, your metabolism, and your body composition. However, after passing 4-5 half-lives, a drug's plasma level (CBD) falls below a clinically relevant concentration. Hence, it is considered eliminated.
- CBD Dosage: if you take more CBD per dose, it will stay in your system longer.
- Metabolism: your metabolism plays a crucial role in how much CBD will be detected in your body.
Usage Routine: consuming more CBD doses will take your body longer to eliminate it.
How long CBD can stay in your system will also depend on how you ingest it: are you consuming CBD after a meal or on an empty stomach? Taking CBD on an empty stomach will ensure it gets into your body quickly, and its effects will fade quickly.

How Long Does 0.3% THC Stay in Your System?
Drug tests will detect 0.3% THC in your urine, blood, or hair samples after many days of use. On the other hand, a salivary test may detect THC only a couple of hours after use.
THC is a lipid-soluble cannabinoid that attaches itself to your body's fat deposits. Hence, this increases the time your system will take to eliminate THC.
Despite the THC detection window depending on several factors, a blood test will detect THC for about 4 hours, a hair test will detect THC for up to 90 days, and urine can spot THC for 3“30 days, depending on an individual's metabolism.
How Long Until CBD Is Out of System
The longer you use CBD, the longer it will stay in your system. If you've been using high-THC products for a long time and then start to use CBD, there is a chance that the THC could still show up on a drug test because it isn't metabolized as quickly as CBD.
The sooner you stop using it, the quicker it will be out of your system. It can remain present longer than expected if you have used it for long periods and built up a CBD tolerance.

Will CBD Cream Pop on a Drug Test?
CBD-infused creams shouldn't show up on a drug test as they do not enter your bloodstream quickly.
However, since they are applied topically to the skin and may have some 0.3% THC, they may leave trace amounts of metabolites behind in urine samples.
Bottom Line
Topical products have many health benefits and are safe to use. Hence, it won't show up on a drug test. However, you should always be aware of the laws in your state and country when purchasing any CBD product.
We recommend using an at-home drug test kit to ensure you won't have any surprises during your subsequent work or school drug test. If you are concerned about how long it will take for your body to clear out any trace amounts of cannabinoids, talk with your doctor about other options.