How to Master Healthy Muscle Gain Plan in 30 Days

Reverbtime Magazine

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If your goal is to gain a healthy amount of weight or 10 pounds of muscle mass in just four short weeks, you must consume a lot of protein, a lot of carbs, and even a fair amount of fat.

Major muscular growth cannot be obtained just by exercise, as even inexperienced athletes are aware. The gym is where muscles are sculpted, but the marble that will become your Adonis is created in your refrigerator and on your stove.

Without a bulging stomach, building quality muscle requires a well-thought-out diet plan that includes the ideal combinations of the proper meals at the ideal times of the day.

Although it can appear difficult, we've made the process of gaining healthy weight in a month smooth and easy to understand. All you'll need to do is exercise, eat well, and monitor your progress in the mirror.


1. Choose the Proper Macros

It amounts to more than 4,500 calories, 360 grams or more of protein, more than 540 grams of carbohydrates, and 90 grams of fat per day for a 180-pound bodybuilder. Each day, one must consume a minimum of 25 calories per pound of body weight.


2. Nutrition Before and After Exercise

The most essential window of nutritional opportunity for individuals looking to put on quality bulk is around the workout. This is the time of day when you can eat a lot of protein and carbohydrates without worrying about them turning into body fat since they'll be used to build muscle like no other. We propose not just pre-and post-workout drinks but also consuming a shake throughout your workout to build additional bulk. In addition to protein and carbohydrates, each smoothie contains supplement components such as creatine, glutamine, and branched-chain amino acids. The more the merrier, because your muscles will use them all to help recuperate and develop.


3. Breakfast nutrition

If you include two meal plans in your daily routine”one as soon as you get up and the second 30“60 minutes later”you may quickly break that habit.

In reality, your efforts to grow muscles might succeed or fail during the initial few hours of the day. Why? Overnight, your body burns liver glycogen for energy, and as those levels fall, it switches to using muscle protein. Your first breakfast should consist of whey protein and a piece of fruit, white bread, Vitargo, or another fast-digesting carbohydrate (an advanced carb supplement).

Whey amino acids reach your circulation quickly, allowing your body to use them for fuel rather than muscle. The quick-digesting carbohydrates will swiftly replenish your liver glycogen and instruct your body to cease eating muscle.


4. Nutrition at Night

The final crucial period of the day for a bodybuilding diet is just before bed. To prevent the body from catabolizing too much muscle as you sleep, you'll want a slow-digesting protein like casein to offer a consistent supply of amino acids to your muscles throughout the night. Cottage cheese, which is rich in casein protein, is an additional choice. Our meal plan combines the aforementioned protein sources with the beneficial fats from flaxseeds, walnuts, mixed nuts, and peanut butter before bed to further limit protein absorption.


Meal calorie counts

Your body will turn stored muscle and fat into energy if you don't meet your daily caloric goal when following a bodybuilding diet. This suggests that the muscle mass you have gained will be lost.

Your basal metabolic rate is used to calculate your personalized daily calorie target (BMR). Your BMR is the number of calories expended during a day just from being awake; your body uses a lot of energy to carry out basic functions like pumping blood and operating your brain.

This means that if you consume exactly your BMR in calories each day and don't engage in any calorie-burning physical activity (such as walking, running, or weightlifting), you should have enough calories to prevent your body from wasting away your existing muscle.



There isn't a specific "muscle-building diet," to start. There are only two daily calorie goals and common sense nutrition. Any diet you choose, including paleo and ketogenic, is OK. According to studies, as long as you meet your protein and calorie goals, you should be all right.

Include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet from every food category. Limit your consumption of alcohol, fried meals, and foods with added sugars. Whey protein, creatine, and caffeine can be helpful supplements in addition to your diet.

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