Merits of Teaching Online

Reverbtime Magazine

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Online teaching has been facilitating students in many ways these days, especially during pandemic COVID-19. The advantages of online teaching are explained here. Online teaching methods gave a new escape route to students to get away from old and boring methods of education in the classroom. Online Teaching Helped in Multiple Ways. It was forbidden for everyone to touch or to come in direct contact during the pandemic so online teaching methods facilitated students in a way that they could study at home. This article is the answer to these curiosities about how teachers can improve their methods of online teaching, and how they can improve themselves professionally. In order to improve online teaching, the tutor needs to follow the instructions elaborated below. The medium of teaching has changed a lot in this new era of education supported by EdTech tools but still there is a certain atmosphere which should be maintained by the tutor in online learning. These days the power of online teaching has not only benefited students with knowledge but also it has increased the skill level of tutors. They have become prominent enough to deliver the most beneficial content to the students. Teachers are also enjoying online teaching. Even schools are opting for tools like the student fee management system because the student fee management system makes everything very easy related to every process of fee submission.

Tutors need to do something which is far from the traditional ways of teaching where the teacher is in charge only. Tutors need to trust their students and make them in charge for a while. Make them realise the importance of discipline and good communication, even in online classes so that they can be under the boundary of a decorum even in online classes. Use technological help like auto check to check student's attendance and the assignments they are presenting so that even by human mistake no mistake should be left in their projects. Don't impose pressure on students unnecessarily, because through online teaching and learning the traditional way of teaching has changed and students have a little bit more freedom where they can feel noticed and can have a sense of belongingness. Tutors need to make students feel attended otherwise they will start missing their offline classes. Students and their thoughts should be given equal importance in the class because sometimes suggestions from students are extraordinary and far better than the teacher's thoughts. Teachers often opt for online streaming, which is good also because direct interaction gives students a chance to ask their queries when they are stuck somewhere during an ongoing lecture. Tools like the online fee management system help the students while fee submission as it saves their precious time by eliminating chances of manual error in fee submission process.

It is so because in research it is found that even in a recorded lecture if the instructor or tutor is interacting face to face, that makes a deep impact on students as role models or ideal. Whether in online streaming or recorded video, teachers should not make it lengthy instead try to make short videos so that students should take a break after a video. Tutors' oration in the class should be very clear and interesting so that students should enjoy it and also as precaution teachers should check essential components of slide shows like content, font, colour and effects. A tutor is always an epitome of knowledge and a role model to the learners whom they follow with blind faith therefore it becomes the duty of the tutor to ensure that sources from where they are picking information regarding a topic whether it is a book or internet, should be reliable enough to distribute among the students with convenience. The credentialism of resources should always be verified so that students have to just study that matter. Teachers should guide students particularly for important internal parts of their lecture videos where they can find specific information. Also teachers should include some interesting activities like quizzes.

Online teaching method has been proved as boon to this generation and further. Tutors as well as parents need to ensure that enthusiasm & curiosity of students should not lead him to wrong sources of information while wandering for knowledge online.  Parental control and guidance is must. Parents should put parental control in settings of their kid's PC so that they could see and read only the content related to their subject and course. Also, it is responsibility of teachers and parents to guide students to how to gather matter of their online learning and assignments so that they should not torcher their eyes and brain for hours due to lack of proper guidance.

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