Pikdo - the best Online Instagram Viewer

Reverbtime Magazine

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Whoever said œyou can't eat your cake and have it definitely is not around to see what innovation has done for us. Now you can eat your cake, have it, and also make a live video of it. 

Parables, right? Well, No! If you are an active user of the popular social media application, Instagram, you will know and agree that you need to follow an account to get a scoop on their activities, especially when the account is private.

This post will educate you on how to enjoy watching an Instagram account's activity without following them using an application called Pikdo. You will also understand the reasons why Pikdo is preferred compared to other apps in 2022.


What is Pikdo?

Pikdo is an online app that views and monitors the activities of an Instagram page without the actual need to follow the Instagram account. It gets interesting that this app covers both public and private accounts.

Pikdo anonymously provides the analytics of an Instagram account at your convenience, such that you have a digital footprint of anyone or activity that is carried out on an account.


What makes Pikdo considered?

While there might be some other online viewing apps out there, Pikdo has been careful to set a unique path for itself by providing extra features that other counterpart fails to provide. Some of them are seen below.

Pikdo is a free app and requires no subscription compared to others.

Pikdo does more than view the posts on an Instagram account, but also provides analytics like the type of hashtags used, the number of likes, who liked the post, who visits the account, how it was shared across platforms, and a whole level of in-depth analysis.

It has a user-friendly interface which makes using it an easy ride and may require no detailed guide to access the application.

One can manage several accounts at the same time without hitch.

Pikdo app is not limited to a web-based application, but both mobile and web can enjoy this service.


How does Pikdo work?

Well, every good thing in life starts with good, then œevery [humour], which in this case is to do what everyone else is doing which is to download the app. Get acquainted with the application, after all the user interface is warm, and I can bet you won't struggle with it.

Once the app is launched, and you enter the Instagram account you intend to check for, three dominant features will be listed. They are, 

- frequently used filters on Instagram.

- A profile utilized hashtags that identify the dominant hashtags used.

- Lastly, the number of users available at a specific profile.


What are the benefits of using Pikdo?

- You enjoy the detailed analysis of account profiles.

- It accepts Instagram mobile application plugins.

- Easy to use application and a warm interface.

- Monitor data analytics of competitors, and re-strategize where necessary, to be more competitive and to edge others.

- Ability to share insights across other social media platforms.

- You can view a picture at a time.


What are the shortcomings of using Pikdo app?

Just like every good story that has an end, Pikdo is considered a frontline app by all, however, despite being a considerable advancement, the discovery and search tool is still inadequate.

Pikdo app would need to consistently pay attention to feedback to ensure that similar apps like Ingram, Yooying, and Piknu are not visible threats to its brand.

In conclusion, Pikdo is a must-have app for all active business owners seeking to understand and grow their digital presence and increase conversion. Pikdo will help keep track of other Instagram accounts either for business insights or just curiousness.

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