Poker Terminology to Memorize Before Tackling Online Poker

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Poker is a gripping game that involves skill and the ability to think in a strategic way. That is the case with all of the different types of poker, making it one of the more challenging forms of gambling.

What makes the challenge even greater for new players is that poker has its own distinct terminology. There are words and phrases that are common to the game and that a new player must master before starting to play.

Not doing so can lead to errors and in poker those can be very costly indeed. If you do not want that to happen to you, keep reading to learn the key terminology you need before playing your first game of poker online.


Poker Terminology

There are too many poker terms to cover in a single article, but certain ones are guaranteed to crop up during games. They are the most important to commit to memory.



This term refers to the bet that every player in the game must make before the dealing begins. It is usually a small sum, but is essential if you want to be in the game.


Big and Small Blinds

These terms are specific to Texas Hold'em. In that version of poker, the two players seated to the dealer's left must lay these bets. The player nearest the dealer places the Small Blind and the player next along from him on the left places the Big Blind.



This term means the total bets placed by players during the game and is the sum that everyone is playing to win.

Knowing these terms will help you avoid looking like a novice in the eyes of other players before the real action even gets underway. Given the psychological nature of poker, that will be a big advantage to you.


Poker Betting Terminology




Now we move on to the terms that will come up during the actual betting rounds.



This is a bet where you equal the highest wager from another player during the game. At a certain point, you may need to call the bet of an opponent if you want to remain in the game.



This common game term means to bet a greater amount than the previous highest bet. It is what you should do if you are confident that you have a hand of cards that can win. There is another scenario where it can also be beneficial though.



That scenario is a bluff. This is where you try to persuade the other player that your hand is better than it actually is. Raising the betting is a standard way of applying this poker strategy.



By contrast, folding is the term for dropping out of the game if you have a weak hand. It means you will lose what you have bet to that point, but it can have the benefit of avoiding steeper losses.


Poker Hand Terminology

You must know the different hands that are available in poker and how they rank in value.


Royal Flush

This is the strongest possible hand of cards. It is a 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace and is unbeatable, so you should always raise if you have a Royal Flush.


Straight Flush

This is another very strong hand. It is made up of five sequential cards from the same suit (e.g. hearts, clubs, spades or diamonds).


Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind means that you have four cards that rank the same, e.g. four Jacks or four 10s.


Full House

Another excellent hand in poker is the Full House. It means a five-card hand with three cards that rank the same and another two that are the same rank. You should play the Three of a Kind as that is the stronger part of the hand.



A Flush is a hand made up of five cards that are all from the same suit. It is less valuable than a Royal Flush but still strong, especially if you have an Ace card as part of it.



A Straight in poker is a hand that contains five non-face cards of sequential value and they can be from any suit. Again, possessing an Ace as part of it will make the hand more valuable but it is always a decent hand to bet on.


Three of a Kind

This is less strong than Four of Kind, but is still a worthwhile hand. It means any three cards that rank the same, e.g. three 10s, Jacks or Queens.

These are the main terms used within the game that a new player should know before starting to play online poker. You will learn more as you go along, but these are the basics.

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