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Did you know that Steve Jobs started Apple with a business idea he got in high school? Learn how he created Apple, Pixar, and NeXT, and how you can use the same ideas to start your own business. Read more here.

Before even recognizing the benefits of having a business idea, we must acknowledge that without a business idea, there's no business. One of the most important lessons to take from Steve Jobs' business experience is that you need a business idea to proceed. Although it may seem obvious, many people begin a business without a clear business idea. This is a mistake that can never be corrected.

Steve Jobs didn't take any chances when it came to his business. He built Apple from the ground up, investing heavily in research and development and market saturation. He was also very hands-on, personally overseeing every aspect of the company. This sharp focus resulted in an extremely successful business model, as Apple became the global leader in mobile devices and digital products.

Steve Jobs was known for his grit and determination, two qualities essential for any businessperson. He never gave up during tough times and refused to let anyone defeat him. These qualities can be applied to any business venture, whether it's starting a company, product development, or marketing. By applying these principles, we can experience the same level of success as Steve Jobs.


Here are 5 things Steve Jobs can teach us about business success.


1. Think About Your Company as a Culture.

The secret of Apple's success is that its employees were all alike: exceptional, passionate, and driven.

As a business owner, your goal is to create a similar atmosphere. In other words, don't hire jerks or excessive slackers. A friend of mine used to say, œChoose your ˜peeps' carefully. It's easy to hire someone who fits your personality, but, he advised, be sure you're hiring the right person. Here's how you can be sure:

- When you interview candidates, don't ask about their salary history or even their work experience. Instead, ask about what motivates them, their goals, their quirks, and their strengths.

- Train your employees. I know most companies don't have the time, but if you do, do it. No one wants to be trained when he or she shows up for the job, and you'll know that your workers are trained in the areas you need them.

- Greet employees with a smile and a handshake. Even if you hate employees and have no intention of keeping them, showing some positive effort shows that you value their work and that you care about their future

- Give them space to be creative. Don't force them into any particular roles. Give employees time to explore their interests. You don't need to encourage them to spend more time on the job. In fact, encourage them to take the time to do the things that make them happy outside of work.


2. Evaluate Your Performance Metrics.

Success is achieved by continuous improvement. It's the difference between winning the national hockey championship and getting in the top 10.

When people feel unappreciated or that they are in a position where they could have a great career, they are inclined to leave.

You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to make every sale. But, you do need to evaluate your results and adjust where necessary. For instance, if your sales are high but your customer satisfaction is low, you need to increase your training and improve your customer service. If your business does well, you need to evaluate what your sales and customer satisfaction is at different times of the year, and then adjusts your marketing plan accordingly.

Focusing on your numbers every day is essential to long-term success.


3. Apply Relevant Tech.

Apple wasn't the first to market with a computer. It was the company that applied all the latest technological advances to create a breakthrough product. Even if you don't use the latest gadgets, you can apply them in your business.

What are the new apps that are going to improve your bottom line? What new software tools are driving the economy? What new website are creating buzz?

Here's a tip. Consider partnering with an outside firm to help you improve your IT system. According to the US Department of Labor, œIT skills are now among the top three hardest jobs in the US. If you want to remain competitive, you'll need to improve your current IT infrastructure.

I suggest the three-plus-three model: You should have three employees with IT training (who have existing skill sets), two other employees who understand your processes and policies (for feedback and follow-up), and one contractor who can do the bulk of the work (for higher-level analysis and system maintenance).

Take a look at the CIO Global 100 to determine the degree to which the IT function has become a business driver.

If your IT budget and headcount are relatively small, you may want to wait to make the improvements. But if your organization is highly-specialized, a larger budget is essential.


4.      Optimize Your Time.

The word itself implies a lack of time. As Benjamin Franklin said, œTime is money. Time is money, but how you spend your time is priceless. You probably spend more time at work than with your family and friends. Why?

It's time to shake up your lifestyle and start making the most of every minute you have to do the things you want to do. You can use your time in a more productive way, if you apply these five points:

- Schedule your time. Put all your meetings, appointments, and calls on a calendar. Leave some open slots for unexpected issues. If you're constantly on the phone, use a virtual assistant to dial your number if you forget. If you're always signing up for new programs and services, create a separate list of tasks for you to complete and prioritize your tasks in such a way that you don't forget any.

- Break tasks into smaller pieces. To make every day more productive, break your tasks into small, manageable tasks. Don't feel overwhelmed. You can complete most tasks within two hours.

- Use your online calendar to schedule œoffline time. Allow a specific time each day for œliving room time or œbible reading or œcoffee with friends.

- Delegate. Use online apps to delegate or to get specific tasks completed. While many of us don't like to ask others to do what we don't like to do, ask yourself, œHow can I delegate this to someone else? In the event that you're not happy requesting that others do specific errands, consider moving to specialists in your field who will work effectively.


5. Put what is important first, and worry about details later.

To quote Jobs, œIt's not all about working hard, rather it's about how much you love what you're doing. Working a grueling 9-5 schedule or having a stressful office can lead to burnout. Jobs knew the value of a vacation, and took a lot of them. The word œdesign in Apple is an acronym for œDesign, Develop, and Inspire. These ideals are well illustrated by his life.


We hope you enjoyed our article about 5 Things Steve Jobs Can Teach Us about Business success. We always love to see posts about Steve Jobs, so we thought it would be fun to write an article about him and the lessons we can learn from him about starting a business. If you haven't read our article yet, we encourage you to check it out by visiting https://www.reverbtimemag.com


By Florence Daudi


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