How Do I Balance Work and Study While Pursuing A Part-Time Degree In Singapore?

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One of the greatest challenges students face in a part time degree in Singapore is time management.

While the Singaporean education system is renowned for being future-proof and able to assist individuals with various capabilities, it can be challenging as it is intensive and focused on deep learning. The lack of quality time for rest, personal development and emotional well-being can be a problem.

The hectic work and study schedules may prove to be tiresome.

But there’s a bright side to this.

With a few tips and daily habits, you can succeed in your part-time studies in Singapore while working efficiently.

Read on to learn more.


7 Effective Tips for Balancing Work and Study in Part-Time Degrees in Singapore

While learning capabilities vary from person to person, the best suggestions will be those that are designed for you and your unique circumstances.

Here we present to you tips based on the most common challenges faced by students in Singapore.


Daily Improvement:

Clock in at least 10 minutes of focused study each day after work. This daily practice will make you stronger and more motivated towards finishing your syllabus.


Time Management:

Schedule a time for every task you undertake in a day, this makes sure that you are aware of the amount of time you spend per day. This also helps you plan for your study time after reaching home.


Communicate your needs to your employer:

Try asking for permission from your employer to study your coursework during working hours. While not all employers may agree, if they do agree, you can save 1 hour towards the end of the day and use it for your studies.


Proper nutrition:

Proper nutrition through an intuitive and well-balanced diet that is suited for your daily functioning keeps your mind alert and fatigue-free. Try consulting a dietician and your general physician for expert guidance on what to eat for maximum efficiency.


Kill procrastination:

Procrastination is often a result of weariness and despair. However, when you plan your day and stick to your daily schedule you can easily overcome procrastination. If a task is bothersome to you, break it down into 5 tiny bits and cover these bits individually.


Find a support group or friends to study with:

Enroll in part-time courses in Singapore from reputed education providers. By doing so, you can find inspiration from people and like-minded friends, who can inspire you through healthy competition.


Reward yourself:

After every successful attempt at covering your part-time course syllabus in Singapore, ensure you reward yourself. This builds up a habit which becomes easier and easier to follow with each passing day.


What Is the Difference Between a Part-Time and Full-Time Degree in Singapore?

The main difference lies in the structure and scheduling of classes.

Full-time degrees require students to attend classes during traditional hours on weekdays, while part-time degrees offer more flexibility with evening, weekend, and online classes.

Full-time students typically complete their degrees sooner, while part-time students spread their coursework over a longer period. When considering a part-time course in Singapore, it's essential to understand the advantages it offers.

According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, Singapore, part-time degrees enable individuals to enhance their qualifications while continuing to work full-time. This flexibility not only supports career progression but also encourages lifelong learning.

For foreign students interested in pursuing top part-time programmes in Singapore, several key points should be considered:

- Visa Requirements: Foreign students can pursue part-time degrees with a Student Pass, allowing them to work part-time (up to 16 hours per week) during term time and full-time during vacation periods.

- Program Diversity: Singapore offers a variety of part-time courses across disciplines like business, finance, and engineering, catering to diverse educational and professional backgrounds.

- Quality Education: Singaporean institutions have high educational standards to meet before becoming recognised institutes, ensuring a high-quality learning experience with a global outlook.


Is A Part-Time Degree Recognised in Singapore?

Yes, part-time courses offered by accredited institutions in Singapore are recognised and valued in the job market. They provide the same level of academic rigour and qualification as full-time programmes.


Can I Study Part-Time in Singapore?


Many universities and private institutions in Singapore offer part-time degree programs designed to accommodate the schedules of working adults. These programs often include evening, weekend, and online classes to provide flexibility.


In Conclusion

Balancing work and study with a part-time degree in Singapore requires proactive planning and the ability to leverage available support systems. By choosing high-quality part-time programmes, both local and foreign students can achieve academic success while advancing their careers. Sign up today to learn more!

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