Ineta Stasiulyte openly talks about her breakup, advice for her daughter, and a new comedy

Reverbtime Magazine

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Actress Ineta Stasiulyte, who plans her time to the minute, shared her thoughts on work, relationships, advice for her daughter, and the new comedy "Transitional Bedroom", which will premiere in the spring of 2025, according to a press release.

December is a busy time for I. Stasiulyte, like most people on stage, because the holiday season is full of various performances and concerts. Moreover, the actress is currently working on the first film of Džilda and Orestis Vaigauskas.

The actress also talked about the upcoming relationship comedy "Transitional Bedroom", translated from Latvian, in which she will star alongside Tadas Gryn, Renata Kutinaite, Ainis Storpiršeius and Darius Petkevieius. Viewers will be able to see the play in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Utena, Alytus, Šiauliai and Taurage from March.

A professional in the genre of relationship and situation comedies shared her own perspective on relationships and lies in them, the secret to the success of such comedies, the benefits of astrology in life, and revealed the advice she gave to her daughter.


– Ineta, how are you doing and what kind of mood are you in?

– We are working on a film now, because the legendary Vaigauskas film will be released in cinemas in February, so all this is happening now, post-production work, we sit and work every day. We also give concerts and have performances. Now every day there is a different city, and from the morning until we drive to some city, we sit and watch a film all the time. Non-stop.


– In your work, you constantly take on the role of another person. And which character best reflects Ineta Stasiulyte?

– There is no such thing as a description. I describe myself every day in my life. Every day when I wake up, I decide what I want to be: to plunge into some kind of chaos or, conversely, to look for light in our zeppelin sky.


– You could safely be called an expert in relationship and situation comedies. Why are you so good at this genre?

– When I read a script, I always try to see the deeper meaning of what the play or script is about. And only after that, having understood the whole basis and the real story itself, does it usually not make you laugh, because what's funny about a woman being unfaithful to her husband and him finding out the truth? 

This is not a funny situation, this is a tragic situation, because deception, disrespect for each other is not funny. And I am always amazed by the paradox when people come to see a movie or a play and see such a tragic situation, but the whole hall laughs. 

So I always ask: "What are we laughing at?" At myself. And in order to make that laugh, I have to believe in all the motivations of that person, that character, even if I'm that unfaithful woman, why I'm acting like that.

I have to find that advocate within myself who can be that character's advocate, stand up for her in all fours. And that's the only way I can play her, because I know why she's acting the way she is. 

Because we are always in tragic situations in life that we create ourselves, we do things with great motivation. Well, and then laughter comes because you realize that you have been through a similar situation.

And in order to make people laugh, you need to accurately reflect psychological moments and convey them to the viewer so that they can recognize themselves through me.


© Photo by Ieva Romaškas.

– In the spring, you will star in a new comedy “Transitional Bedroom,” the theme of which is “lies beget lies.” Have you lied in a relationship yourself?

– So, it's clear how to stay in them without lying? First of all, you lie to yourself, because otherwise you wouldn't lie to your other half. When you get caught up in your own thoughts, you try to justify yourself, and then you automatically lie to the other person, because you yourself are living in confusion and don't really understand what's going on. 

And only by lying to ourselves do we make some wrong decisions, where then, after a while, you realize that you could have acted differently and feel that feeling of guilt, that maybe you ruined something, something should have been done differently, but it's all in the past. 

But all these are lessons to draw some conclusions in the future. It's very good when you realize something, draw conclusions, and can change something.


– What is your attitude towards relationships?

– I see a lot of couples who live together for many years and then separate, and then they can't find a harmonious connection with each other. You can't have children together or have some kind of healthy parental relationship where you no longer have to live with that person or create a life together, but even when you're apart, you can't do that anymore.

And now Marija Palaikite and I analyzed one topic in the podcast, and it was very important for me to broadcast this message - how important it is to work through your grievances so that you feel at peace with yourself and don't keep a bag of some pent-up emotions. 

They don't help you create new relationships yourself, and then we wonder why we can't have new relationships. Because we haven't cleared ourselves of hurts and past experiences.

Maria said: "You broke up and that's it," and I say: no, maybe you don't need to communicate, call, but inside you still need to achieve that peace and respect that you had with that person, lived with him, and then you walk down the street like you're with a stranger. I don't understand. 

I support the idea that we need to find harmony, first of all, for ourselves. To feel good about ourselves. It's like hygiene: we brush our teeth every morning, but inside we don't feel like cleaning ourselves, we walk around dirty, we blame others for some things that happened in our lives. This is complete self-loathing.


– Do you feel that inner “purity” yourself?

– The way I know that I am clean is that I am pleased to see my ex, with whom I lived for many years. There are no romantic feelings and no desire to run away or end the conversation quickly. I have respect for that person, and I accept him absolutely with all his qualities. 

It's a shame that this didn't happen during the relationship, but these are lessons on how I can understand myself, how to create a new connection, and how important it is to feel at the beginning of a relationship whether that person is someone you can immediately feel contact with, or whether it's worth continuing. This is a kind of laboratory when we build relationships.


– What advice did you give to your daughter Upe, who is now grown up and has left home?

– Do whatever you want, the important thing is not to harm yourself or others. And everything else is possible, because it will be your experience. Life is a collection of experiences and you choose every day what you want to do with your life. When I gave her all the responsibility for her life and she can do what she wants, then it turns out that she feels that responsibility, it is her treasure. And when she experiences it, she makes decisions and sees the results – there is nothing better.

When she gets into trouble or does something stupid, I always support her, because there's no point in saying anything anymore, it's already in the past. I help her get through that stage and that's it, and when it comes to analyzing, talking - we communicate openly enough about everything, relationships, boyfriends... She wants to call, talk, tell stories.


– You are actively interested in astrology. Have you tried to find out what the future holds for you in terms of love?

– Every year I make a map like this to see what energies are at work, what situations I can expect. What that year can give me if I do certain things, or what it will give me if I do the exact opposite. 

I'm interested in those things because I take this information like road signs. We can drive from Vilnius to Klaipeda, and according to the signs we'll be there in about 3.5 hours. But if we don't know the road signs, we'll get off the road and the journey will take longer.

Since I don't have much time in this world, I want to take the shortest path, following the signs. In this case, astrology for me is those road signs that help me achieve my goals much faster and more efficiently. Astrology, like any other science, if you study it responsibly or have a very good teacher, is a help in achieving dreams and goals.


– Has anything come true for you and what would you say to people who don't believe in astrology?

– Absolutely everything came true for me. Because by recognizing the signs, you train your awareness, you start to notice everything, coincidences appear, situations that shake you up.

 And at the moment when it shakes you up and forces you to behave completely differently than you're used to, the energy of that planet is at work, wanting to transform you so that you can achieve more than you can now. 

It's not a pleasant change, but if you understand that those actions are happening so that you can change and learn a way to achieve something, then you become curious and interesting.

You don't accept some event as a punishment because you understand the deeper meaning. And it's not like it's predetermined - we can change everything, create it ourselves. We all have it, we just aren't interested in those things. And those people who don't believe, don't believe for different reasons - it may be out of fear, because they usually don't know anything about it. Because if you ask them, they say: "I don't know anything, but I don't believe."

That's stupid, isn't it? They say: "That tomato is tasteless." Have you tasted it? - "No, but I still say that that tomato is tasteless." But maybe you'll taste it and then spit it out if it's tasteless? "No, that's nonsense, the tomato is tasteless." That's all there is to it.

The comedy "Transitional Bedroom" with I. Stasiulyte will be shown on March 14 at the Šiauliai Cultural Center, March 15 at the Utena Cultural Center, March 25 at the Klaipeda Concert Hall, March 29 at the Alytus Cultural Center, March 30 at the Vilnius "Compensa" Concert Hall and April 16 at the Taurage Cultural Center. Tickets are distributed by "".

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